blessed are the easily amused

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

dating chronicles 1: from the mailbag

Dear Bugs, when was your last date?

Well, let's just say the last time I had a date it was for malteds and cheeseburgers after the sock hop, and later I chipped my ecstatic blog entry into a stone tablet.

But it's funny you should ask, dear reader, because I will be going on a date this week. Oh sure, it's like riding a bicycle. Once you learn, you never forget how. And there's the disconcerting possibility of hit-and-run injuries.

We're going to a bullfight and then out for absinthe and cupcakes. I'll be sure to post all the fabulous details.

In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out exactly what a date is. Maybe that'll help me decide what to wear. Advice on the wardrobe, philosophy and etiquette of dating is welcome.


Blogger miss.nicola said...

Lisa Leesa have much fun and remember you are fantastic. He might be too.

Wed Feb 02, 11:05:00 PM

Blogger steininger said...

The obvious: Just be yourself.
If it looks like it works and it feels like it works, then it works. It all comes down to intention. Good luck.

Thu Feb 03, 06:25:00 PM

Blogger Rambling Rose Cottage said...

Your date sounds wonderful! Have fun!

Thu Feb 03, 06:48:00 PM


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