blessed are the easily amused

Thursday, November 02, 2006

NaNoOhNo, or "It was a dark and wordy night."

Busiest month of my life. But, as Simon said, we're all frickin' busy. Simon also says 'play longer and faster - only then will you be the master.'

It's in that spirit that I begin writing my first novel - my NaNo m.o., of course, is to start a day late and at least a dollar short. I don't even have an idea. Or a genre. But I have the first 600 of 50,000 words expected of me. Why shouldn't the rest follow?

Good luck, my fellow scribblers. 30 days of uninterrupted bullshitting? That's what I call fun. My brain is full of phrases and images that are the cerebral equivalent of horse-on-a-treadmill stock footage. Kind of interesting, but how on earth to use it? I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

p.s. The only really important thing about this post is the Simon link. You really have to watch it.


Blogger Eric O said...

how's the GCN coming?

Mon Nov 13, 01:39:00 PM

Blogger lisa said...

Oh, you know, I'm about a quarter done, word count wise. And about a tenth done, knowing-what-it's-about-wise. Good fun.

Mon Nov 13, 02:19:00 PM

Blogger Eric O said...

This year's Gillers were mostly (all?) unknowns.

Tue Nov 14, 10:11:00 PM

Blogger and then the_doctor said...

oh dear god its november already? After my 2nd failure at this task in 3 years, I've given up the attempt this year. Best of luck to you!

ps. please don't poke your eyes out in about two weeks!

Wed Nov 15, 05:39:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe no one's commented on my theme song yet!'s so brilliant, I may have to go to the most recent post and direct their attention. See you over there!

- He who goes harder and faster, except when it comes to writing a novel

Thu Nov 16, 06:26:00 PM


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